Middle School at HIS Niseko

In 2021, HIS Niseko launched a transformative new middle school program, bringing grades 6, 7, and 8 together in one classroom. 

The Middle School Curriculum at HIS Niseko follows the International Middle Years Curriculum (IMYC). The IMYC provides comprehensively developed units of study in Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science. The goal of these comprehensive units is to inspire learners to be active and reflective thinkers who lead their own learning.  Central to the IMYC is the belief in, and commitment to, the holistic development of learners through enjoyable and rigorous academic, personal and international learning that prepares them for opportunities and challenges now and in the future. Through the IMYC learners are encouraged to be informed, globally competent, future ready, socially conscious and motivated to positively contribute within a local and global context. 

  • Year A Units:

Adaptability, Structures, Balance, Consequences, and Creativity

  • Year B Units:

Courage, Curiosity, Resilience, and Relationship 

  • Year C Units:

Challenge, Development, Leadership, and Renewal

For more information on the IMYC, please visit their website: International Middle Years Curriculum.

The Founding Middle School Teacher, Ms. Bri Bailey, takes a place-based approach to education, which connects learning to the local environment, culture, and economics. Learning is designed around the principles that the learner is central, lessons are interdisciplinary and rooted in inquiry, design thinking is central to projects, the classroom is a community and the community is the classroom, and learning is approached from a local and global context. 


Middle School electives include Japanese Language, Art, Music, and PE.