Husky News Niseko

MP3 News 12/16

The learners in Mp3 have been productive and active!

Students push on as readers of nonfiction.  Looking at identifying the author's purpose and cause and effect relationships in non-fiction texts.  Younger students learned the PIE method for identifying the author's purpose of: persuade, inform, or entertain.  While older students worked on digging deeper and finding literary devices & text structures and examining why the author made the choices they did in their writing.

Our writers are onto drafting their essays.  Students worked to use transitions to glue their evidence together in a body paragraph and completed their three body paragraphs after much hard work.  On Friday we looked at how to write a good introduction to make the reader understand our ideas are important, using sentence stems to push their thinking.

We blasted off into our science IPC unit: Space Explorers.  Students traced their shadows at different times of day to see how their shadows grow and move position as the time of the day changes.  We looked at the earth’s tilt and the reasons for the seasons.  Students tried to draw a scale map of the planets using centimeters to kilometers conversions, and then stepped outside to try and measure the distance between the planets using a 1cm=10,000,000 km scale.

Have a great weekend!
Mr. Wanner