Husky News Niseko

MP3 News 9/6

It has been another productive week in the Mp3 classroom.
For math updates please refer to the IXL and prodigy platforms.

As readers, we have leveled up our class stamina to 18 minutes and spent time working on the reading skill of making predictions.  Our writers have worked on revising, reviewing everything we know about good storytelling and studying mentor texts.  Students have drafted, drafted and re-drafted trying to tell the same story through a completely different lens.

We continued our brainwave unit, looking at the differences between working memory and long term memory and practiced strategies to help us remember new information.  Students chose between the memory tasks of ‘counting to ten’ in Albanian or memorizing a diagram of the human brain.  Next, we looked at how we feel when we learn best… before exploring the amygdala and stress response, and how it affects our brain and body.  We discussed ways to reduce stress in the classroom for everyone.  We ended the week with a discussion and reflection on the IPC personal goals: adaptability, communication, inquiry, morality, resilience, respect and thoughtfulness.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Andrew Wanner