HIS Niseko Student & Parent Information
HIS Niseko seeks an open relationship with students and their parents, and communication is key. Each teacher writes emails home on a weekly basis, and the school principal writes an informational email once a week. Please feel free to contact any of the teachers with questions, concerns, or praise. We would love to hear from you.
HIS Niseko HIS Student-Parent Handbook
The HIS Student-Parent handbook contains information that is important for students and parents to be aware of and understand. Parents should read the handbook, and if there are any items that you have questions about, please contact the school so we can assist you. Our goal is that this handbook is the "go-to" guide for information and details and allow you to be better informed about HIS. The handbook is comprehensive in scope and will answer most questions you may have.
Mr. Mernin will email the handbook to all HIS Niseko parents and staff.
Report Cards
At HIS Niseko report cards are sent home with students twice a year—at semester break in January and at the end of the year in June. For the first semester reporting, parents would keep the report card, sign the report card envelope, and return the envelope to the classroom teacher. Additionally, the IPC units are each followed up with reporting by the milepost teacher. These are delivered every 6 to 8 weeks.
Mid-semester progress is discussed at mandatory parent-teacher conferences at the end of the first quarter and by-request conferences at the end of the third quarter.
The HIS PTA is an organization at both the Sapporo and Niseko schools, which aims to increase parent understanding of educational issues, increase the communication of important ideas through the parent community, and to raise funds to help improve our school programs. Meetings are held at designated times throughout the year, and all parents are encouraged to attend and participate.
What are the top six responsibilities of the PTA at HIS Niseko?
- Support the school: The Board, Administrators, Teachers, Students
- Understand the mission and the strategic initiatives
- Provide volunteer service as appropriate
- Assist with annual fund and other development initiatives
- Ad Hoc - resource directory of skills and expertise of stakeholders serves on ad hoc committees when asked.
- Orients new parents To the environment the school and support roles
- Avoid becoming a political entity with personal agendas.
To contact PTA Niseko, please drop a note in the PTA mailbox at the reception office.
Standardized Testing at HIS
Every year, HIS students are given standardized tests to mark their progress and to assess the school's overall effectiveness. For this assessment, HIS subscribes to the MAP testing services, which it implemented in 2009.
MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) in Reading, Language Usage and Math is delivered to Grades 4 to 6, twice a year.
DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) is delivered to Grades K-6 throughout the year to assess student progress in reading and help teachers provide the best possible resources for each child.