Husky News

HIS State of Emergency response

Dear HIS Community,

In response to Hokkaido’s State of Emergency declaration and accompanying revised guidance for schools, we are continuing to offer remote attendance options at our Sapporo campus and exercise additional vigilance in our Covid-19 countermeasures at both of our campuses.  Our pandemic management protocols have been very successful in protecting our community and preventing full school closure thus far, and we are truly grateful to everyone for their patience and commitment.    
Let’s continue to exercise caution in our personal choices, avoiding crowded / closed places and following all governmental guidance regarding pandemic safety. 
We should also remind our students that everyone has a different personal situation and is experiencing this pandemic differently—for some of us, it is not much more than a major inconvenience, whereas for others it is an issue of constant life or death anxiety. Let’s encourage our children to be sensitive in how they discuss the issue.
If you have specific questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me or any HIS administrator.

Tim Schlosser
Head of School 

Read More about HIS State of Emergency response