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What is it like to go to high school in Makinohara, Shizuoka, Japan? Find out via our sister school Ainhoa's perspective!
A Day in the Life of a Sagara High School (SHS) Student
A Perspective from the HIS x SHS Exchange Club
Originally written in English and Japanese by SHS's Ainhoa Arutouna (アルトウナ アイノア)
English revision by Theo Brennan, Sasha Syrkhina, and J. Pangier
Japanese Review by SHS members and Theo Brennan
**This article is the first in a series of articles coming from the 2022-2023 HIS x SHS Exchange Club, a club that began in 2021 as a way to share school cultures between Hokkaido International School and Sagara High School.** For more information on the club, see "Closing the Gap: The 2022 Hokkaido International School (HIS) x Sagara High (SHS) School Exchange" and "The Makinohara Intercultural Exchange". The goal of these articles is to share information about HIS and SHS as club members discover more about each other and their respective schools.**
My name is Ainhoa, a student of Sagara High School in Makinohara, Shizuoka, Japan, and I'm going to tell you a little about my school life.
Classwork / 授業構成について
In my school only Mondays have 7 hours of classes and the other days are 6 hours of class. When we are in the second grade, there are more choices for classes, like Music, Art, and calligraphy. And I chose calligraphy because my handwriting is messy. |
私たちは月曜日だけ7時間授業があり、あとの日は全て6時間授業の1週間を過ごしてます!2年生になると、授業の選択肢が1年生の時より多くなります。基礎的な国語や英語、数学の他に、音楽や美術、書道などがあります。私は字があまり綺麗では無いので書道の授業を選びました!この3つの他にも、フードという料理に関する授業や、英会話という授業、数学をよりもっと深く学ぶ授業も選択授業として選べます。 |
My calligraphy teacher and me / 書道を教えて貰っているところです
Circles and Clubs / 部活とサークルについて
Every Wednesday we have circles. Circles are optional and designed for people who share the same interest. At SHS, there are 6 circles in total, and this English circle—the SHS x HIS Exchange—is one of them. | 2022年から始まったサークル活動について話していきます!サークル活動は部活をしながら参加できます。サークルを行う日は毎週水曜日となっていて、サークルは全部合わせて6個あります! |
And every Thursday, there are club activities in addition to circles, and all the students at school participate in the club activities.There are 9 sports clubs and 6 cultural clubs, so we have a total of 15 clubs. |
私たちは部活という学校の生徒全員が必ず参加するものがあります。部活は毎日ある部活もあれば、1週間に1回しかない所もあります。しかし毎週木曜日は必ず部活を行う日となってます!運動部は9つ、文化部は6つ、計15個の部活が活動しています! |
I'm in Japanese archery (Kyudo) club and Kyudo mainly focuses on match format and shooting practice. / 私は弓道部に入っていて弓道では主に試合形式と打ち方の練習をしています!
Different, the same, Fun! / 違う、同じ、楽しい!
Every student has different classes with different schedules but the places where we overlap—sharing the same class, circle, or club—is what makes school life in Sagara High School so fun! |
全校生徒が別の授業ではなく、選んでいる授業が同じ人だっています!それが相良高校の面白いところです☺️ |
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- SHS x HIS Exchange