Welcome to our new website! A big special thank you to our Technology Specialist, Mr. Hajime Katayama, for his tireless work on this project. We are proud to present our completely new homepage, including instant AI translation in 5 languages, completely refreshed formatting, all new and updated media, embedded streaming video, live news and calendar updating, revised text sections, and much more. Further updates will be completed over the months to come. As an international school, our website is often our welcoming mat, the first place people discover our community--and we want it to reflect all that HIS has to offer.
We wish everyone in our community continued good health, and we are glad that we were able to navigate our first pandemic-related school closure earlier this month smoothly due to having strong preparation and procedures in place. Although the pandemic has limited our options for overnights and other activities that bring the community together, staff have worked hard to innovate and create new options, such last week's elementary “SnOlympics (picture above) and the upcoming secondary “Huskies WOOF (Winter Outdoor Organized Fun). Both parents and students have expressed great appreciation for this.
Thank you all for your continued support, and again, welcome to the new homepage--please have a look around!
Sincerely yours,
Tim Schlosser
Head of School