HIS Career Week 2024
During the week of December 9-13, high school students had the opportunity to hear from local professionals in a range of fields. Each 10th-12th grade student was able to choose between two speakers on each day of the week. The fields of work represented by the speakers included diplomacy, marketing, manufacturing, engineering, academia, computer science, the food industry, and entrepreneurship. After each speaker gave a summary of their work and how they arrived in that field, students had the opportunity to ask specific questions. After a week of hearing about various professions, students reflected upon their biggest takeaways:
“Many people often switch career paths”
“Networking is important”
“After listening to all kinds of excellent speakers, it gives me some suggestions of what I can do in the future”
“One should learn their strengths to seek specialized occupations.”
“That there are more jobs than I thought, and now I’m more confused!”
“Social intelligence and effort is essential for success”
“My biggest takeaway was: trial and error”
“The most important factor is dedication and discipline to continue”
“I learned that knowing several languages can be really important in the future”
“What you learn in college will help you even if you go off course from what you’ve wanted to do”
The college and career team are very thankful for the support of our community in coming out to speak to our students, providing them an opportunity to arrive at these insights through a look at work in the “real world.”
We look forward to hosting similar opportunities in the future!
Laura Harmon and Nick Fazio
College Advising Team