Husky News

Internationally Acclaimed Author Robert Whiting to visit HIS

Internationally Acclaimed Author Robert Whiting to visit HIS

2024 May 31(Fri)

10:00 am - 11:00 am

Hokkaido International School Multipurpose Room (MPR)

Internationally Acclaimed Author Robert Whiting to visit HIS

2024 May 31(Fri)

10:00 am - 11:00 am

Hokkaido International School Multipurpose Room (MPR)

HIS is very pleased to welcome best-selling author and journalist Robert Whiting to speak with our community about his recent work. Mr. Whiting grew up in the United States but has been based in Japan for much of his adult life and is one of the most prominent international writers living in the country. His writing typically focuses on topics related to Japanese culture, and he is an expert on this history of Japanese baseball. He will be visiting HIS as part of a broader tour (special thanks to Eric Johnston of the Japan Times for arranging this visit), and we warmly invite all members of the HIS community to come join us for his talk. Please RSVP using this link.

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  • Academics

Hokkaido International School is hosting a series of college visits, both in-person and online, to help juniors and seniors explore post-secondary options. These sessions provide students with direct access to representatives from various universities from around the globe, giving them insight into programs, campus life, and admissions requirements.

High school students look towards the future with visits from universities and local professionals.


Read More about University visits and upcoming career week