Husky News

Music Appreciation Class Project: Video Game Scoring

What is the first video game that came to your mind when we talk about video games? I bet most of you must have heard the most beloved and familiar Super Mario theme song and probably singing in your head now too! In Music Appreciation class, our young middle school composers studied the history of video game music and how it was made. 

We are inspired by Koji Kondo, Super Mario main theme music composer who is still working with Nintendo now by his composition style. Back in the 80s, Koji Kondo used an 8-bit synthesizer to compose the catchy bouncy Super Mario theme song. As technology advanced, video game music composition has become more delicate with live instruments and a more advanced recording interface to create any sound that fits the video game. 
The young video game composers are proud to share their works with you! They have spent weeks planning, improvising, and composing their own video game theme song using BeepBox. They have also designed their own video game cover as a marketing strategy. We hope you enjoy their compositions! To listen, please scan the QR code and check out their splendid works!





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  • Academics

Hokkaido International School is hosting a series of college visits, both in-person and online, to help juniors and seniors explore post-secondary options. These sessions provide students with direct access to representatives from various universities from around the globe, giving them insight into programs, campus life, and admissions requirements.

High school students look towards the future with visits from universities and local professionals.


Read More about University visits and upcoming career week