Reporting Student Absences
If your child in EY to grade 12 is going to absent or late, please inform the school office at 011-816-5000 or email by 8:45 am.
Students are not permitted to report their own absences. Notification must to come directly from an adult legal guardian.
Thank you!
Husky News
News List
Players from Sapporo U and HIS shared the pitch on Monday November 18th.
The Huskies have started training for the second season of the school year. We have traded in our volleyball shoes and knee pads for basketball shoes as we transition to a new sport.
- Academics
Hokkaido International School is hosting a series of college visits, both in-person and online, to help juniors and seniors explore post-secondary options. These sessions provide students with direct access to representatives from various universities from around the globe, giving them insight into programs, campus life, and admissions requirements.
High school students look towards the future with visits from universities and local professionals.
- All School
- Community
Hokkaido International School has just two events that open our doors to the community. The Fall Festival is one of them.
Come one and all to enjoy food, music, and all of the great things that come around this time of year.
- Academics
- Academics
- Academics
- All School
- Community