Husky News

Tech Night for Parents of Teens
  • Academics

Tech Night for Parents of Teens

The HIS Counseling team would like to invite all parents of secondary students to attend an information session and group discussion on how students’ use of technology is impacting their mental, physical, social, and emotional health. We will open the conversation by presenting some broad trends related to teen technology use and then open the conversation to participants to raise concerns and discuss strategies from a parent's perspective. We will also share some useful resources to help parents navigate these issues. If there are any specific topics or questions you would like us to cover in more depth, please feel free to email Laura Harmon ( and Nick Fazio ( in advance. We hope this will be an informative opportunity for us to share ideas as parents and educators around this important issue.

Tuesday, Sept 17th @ 4:00 pm


  • High School
  • Middle School
Read More about Tech Night for Parents of Teens

News List

  • Academics

Hokkaido International School is hosting a series of college visits, both in-person and online, to help juniors and seniors explore post-secondary options. These sessions provide students with direct access to representatives from various universities from around the globe, giving them insight into programs, campus life, and admissions requirements.

High school students look towards the future with visits from universities and local professionals.


Read More about University visits and upcoming career week