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The High School students headed to Takino for an overnight trip, where they bonded while cross-country skiing, creating snowmen, and participating in competitive activities. It was a wonderful short getaway for us to be immersed in the wonderful nature of Hokkaido.
High School Takino Overnight Recap
Words by Nanako Dobashi and Kaishu Klein
The Takino overnight trip was the first part of the ‘White Season’, during which we ventured into Hokkaido’s nature to observe and cherish the environment that we are so fortunate to live in. The winter season in Hokkaido especially is unique; with fluffy, powdery snow covering the entire area, making it ideal for snowboarding, skiing, and snowshoeing. The Takino overnight trip allowed us to step outside and experience the natural world to the fullest.
On Monday, January 15th, students from 9th through 12th grade piled onto the bus and we set off on our way to Takino. After we arrived, we prepared for cross-country skiing. Some of us opted for the 3-kilometer run, while the others went for the 6-kilometer route. It was freezing when we first stepped outside, but because the sun was shining brightly and we were moving swiftly, we soon warmed up. We were able to overcome our fear of falling every few minutes because this year’s snow was much softer and better than the previous year. There was a general feeling of joy and optimism amongst everyone.
“I’m happy that we got to do Day 1 because we got so much snow that night, Day 2 cross-country skiing got canceled and we switched to snowshoeing. It’s a good problem to have, it’s great that we got to do our overnight in the heart of the White Season.” - Mr. Pangier
After we skied, we ate a wonderful meal prepared for us by the Takino staff until it was time to go outside to participate in some snow-related activities planned by the HIS teachers.
We separated into house teams and competed for house points. These activities included building snow forts in preparation for the next day’s capture the flag game, and a snowman-building contest with our team. While half of our house team was outside, the other half was inside completing an obstacle course made by Mr. Rankin and a few other competitions, like Capture the Flag and Tug of War. Even after going out for cross-country, we were excited to participate in these group activities. When some of us had to finish our remaining obstacle course after dinner, everyone was there to cheer on their teammates!! The competitive atmosphere was amazing, despite half of us freezing next to the small heater.
Before dinner, we had the option to go tubing down a few different hills, however a few of us stayed back because we were tired. Those who ventured out into tubing tried out many different variations including on different hills, with different numbers of people. People chained the tubes together and went down as a big chain. Some people were even standing on the tubes when they sledded down the hill. The night sky provided us with beautiful scenery to match the feeling we got surging down the powder-covered slopes.
After dinner, we all gathered to play games and hang out before getting a good night's sleep after an active day.
Because of the nighttime blizzard, tons of snow awaited us, causing the second day of cross-country skiing to be canceled. The original Green and White Plan was designed to offer a student choice of going skiing or snowshoeing, but the deep snow forces us to all snowshoe together, creating a sense of unity. Snowshoeing allowed us to appreciate the magnificent view of the snow-covered trees. We were glad that we broke off the main trail as it allowed us to experience the freshly fallen powder snow.
When we got back to the main lodge, we ate another delicious lunch before venturing back out into the outdoors for our capture the flag games and hot chocolate. A variation of individual games took place before we did a free-for-all game with four teams racing toward the center to capture one of the two flags (which in this case were giant, colored cones. The cold snow play was paired with hot chocolate.
Overall, the Takino overnight trip was enjoyable. We were all super excited to spend time in the Hokkaido snow. Here at HIS, we take full advantage of the beautiful powder snow that we get during the winter season, and spending time together is a great way to appreciate the community we have. We all loved the short getaway. Coming together in our beautiful surroundings, after all, is what makes us HUSKIES!
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