Mark Gamertsfelder (Mr. G)
High School Science Teacher; Ohio-native
Where were you born?
Cleveland, Ohio
What year did you come to HIS, and where were you working prior to HIS?
Canton, Ohio.
How long have you been teaching?
34 years.
What attracted you to come work at HIS?
Skiing, outdoor opportunities.
How important was it to choose an international school with an emphasis on the outdoors?
When did you first know you wanted to be a teacher?
A long time ago.
How would you describe the students at HIS?
What's your favorite part about living in Japan? How about living in Sapporo, Hokkaido?
The food.
The outdoors.
What's your favorite book of all time? Alternatively, what's your favorite movie? Why? What do you love about it?
The Martian. Both the book and movie.
If you could interview any past-living historical figure, who would it be, what would you ask them, and what do you think they'd say?
Arnold Palmer How has the game of golf changed?
What advice would you give to teachers looking to work in Japan?
Enjoy the food!
- Teachers