Report Cards & Alma


HIS uses Alma  an online software program, to track student grades and attendance. Both students and parents have individual access to their online grade book. 

Alma is an easy-to-use, efficient, and effective tool. For convenience, a permanent link to the Alma system appears in the right column at the bottom of every page on this site. Just click on the Alma name to launch. You may also click HERE to access.

Report Card

In secondary, students receive a Progress Reports (digitally through Alma) and a cumulative Semester Report each semester. Semester Reports are permanently stored on Alma and in student files and are used to generate the student’s transcript for college applications. All Progress Reports and Semester reports are emailed to parents as they are generated and are stored on the student's Alma page under the report card tab.

Starting in 2018-2019, elementary report cards are also generated on Alma and are emailed to parents at the end of semester in February and June.