The HIS Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is an organization which aims at increasing parent understanding of educational issues, increasing communication of important ideas through the parent community, and to fundraise to help improve our school programs. Meetings are held approximately five times per year, and all parents are encouraged to attend. Meetings are often held bilingually so as to encourage parent participation from Japanese-speaking parents as well as English speakers.
Along with regular meetings, the two biggest PTA sponsored events of each year have been the Fall Festival, a fundraiser focusing on food and games for the whole family, which usually happens mid- or late October, and the Spring Bazaar, which is an opportunity for everyone in the community to clean out their closets and share their wares with the world. This is usually in mid-May. Both of these events net funds which are then shared with the school in various ways. Both also require a lot of parent help to be successful, so if you are coming to HIS, be prepared to get involved! There are many ways both big and small to get involved in the PTA, so talk to other parents to find out how you can lend a hand.
To contact HIS PTA, please drop a note in the PTA mailbox at the HIS office. Or send us an email at
New! PTA Information Website: